5 important reasons to reduce stress in your life


Stress is one of those things in today's busy, fast-paced life; even if you don't feel like you're stressed, the very nature of our lives where we wake up to alarms to jump out of bed to get to work on time, or get kids ready for school, walk the dog, exercise... and then we're struggling to meet deadlines all day, cooking dinner, life admin that needs to be done... only to fall in a heap at night and wake up & do it all over again. That is stressful on our bodies!

The problem with stress is that our bodies can’t distinguish the difference between stress that can be induced from actual threats (like running from a fierce animal) and stress that comes from the everyday pressures, the psychological threats. Both types have numerous negative impacts on our body.

One: Weight

Have you ever noticed that 'spare tire' around the middle of yourself or someone else? The muffin tops that just won't budge, even after you've been really dedicated to an exercise regime?! That's because Cortisol, the hormone that is released when we're stressed, takes the fat from the extremities of your body and concentrates it around your middle so that it can be used as an energy source easily. The problem is when this fat is not used up through expended energy and sets in for the long term through sustained stress.

Two: Fertility

Stress directly affects the body's ability to conceive through the release of Cortisol. Think of it in terms of 'fight or flight' mode in prehistoric times, what stress does is effectively make our body think we're running away from predator and we need only vital organs to sustain us such as brain, heart & lungs. In times of stress, our reproductive system is not deemed of vital importance, so it can shut down for a period of time. Ever wondered why couples who have been trying to conceive for a long time fall pregnant out of the blue when they're on holidays? That's because the bodies are at rest and relaxation, the stress is reduced and the reproductive system can fire up again.

Three: Sleep

Cortisol should be at its highest in the body at 8am each day, this is to help us wake up and prepare for the day. The problem with stress is that it keeps producing Cortisol throughout the day and into the night, and that interferes with our ability to fall and stay asleep. Have you noticed if you wake up and your mind starts racing about things you need to do the following day, and your heart is beating faster at the thought of it and then you struggle to fall back to sleep? This is stress hormones pumping out through your body!

Four: Immunity

Stress causes the lining of our intestines to become more permeable than normal, which allows microbes and pathogens to escape into circulation into our blood stream which then gets pumped around our body and relies on our immune system to deal with. If this happens regularly, our immune system can get overwhelmed and comprimised, leading to recurrent illness and infections.

Five: Digestive Health

Stress lowers our production of stomach acid, which we need to break down the foods we eat into nutrients for absorption. If we’re not breaking down foods properly, we can experience digestive symptoms such as bloating, pain, nausea, cramping, diarrhoea/constipation, among others.

Tips to consider

If you're prone to stress, it can seem overwhelming for how to reduce it, especially if it's been your mode of functioning for an extended period of time.

Our bodies are incredible at stabilising to a fine balance called 'homeostasis' however if we push them too far too often, we disrupt the biological ecosystem and can leave permanent damage.

We owe it to ourselves to find outlets for self care that are calming and de-stressful. Yoga and meditation don’t appeal to everyone, but simple steps like take a 30min walk in the sunishine, spend relaxing time with family & friends, go to bed early and read a book, listen to music, experiment with whatever it is that helps you bring some relaxation into your life!

If you’re not sure where to start, a Clinical Nutritionist can help - we treat holistically to address all aspects of your life to support you on a journey to better health. For more information, I’d love to here from you!